Leica Map360 Software
Leica Map360 is the ideal software for crime and crash reconstruction. This powerful industry-grade software allows users to import, process, analyze, visualize, and make court-ready deliverables from large datasets. Map360 offers easy-to-use features to clearly communicate a scene and critical evidence to audiences of any skill level. Plus, it supports the latest mapping technologies from Leica Geosystems and third-party providers, ensuring your diagrams are always accurate and court-ready.
Featured Highlights
Easy Scene-To-Map Productivity
Turn your data into a diagram with ease by using scene mapping software such as Evidence Recorder or Leica Captivate. With Map360, the map you create at the scene can be turned into a ready-to-print finished diagram in minutes.
Witness Viewpoint Analysis
Corroborating or disproving witness statements about what they could or couldn’t see during the incident is simple using Witness Viewpoint. Just pick a point, add a viewpoint at a specific height above that, and take a look around for yourself in 3D view mode.
Sophisticated Crash and Crime Scene Reconstruction Tools
Calculators are included for a variety of crash reconstruction formulae; speed, deceleration factor, kinetic energy, momentum, kinematics, and more. Also included is an updated vehicle specification database and a powerful bullet path reconstruction tool that uses a best fit solution to establish accurate trajectories.
Support for all of your Measuring Tools and Methods
Flexibility and multi-sensor support makes Map360 both productive and scalable to your agency’s needs as they change and grow. Starting with manual scene measurement entry, all the way up to advanced mobile mapping systems (and everything in between!), Map360 provides a common user experience for a wide range of sensors, including support for total stations, laser scanning, GNSS, MultiStations, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Photogrammetry, Manual Measurement Data and mobile scanning solutions.
The Power of CAD, Simplified
Map360 is the most precise desktop forensic mapping software available in the world and is the only solution that has an industry leading 3D CAD system built-in. The underlying precision of our engineering-grade CAD engine provides you with a solid foundation to your work that is precise, compelling, and irrefutable.
Audit Log for Evidence Integrity
The CAD points that make up your diagram are stored in a separate, protected database file for security. Any attempt to change point coordinates will result in a warning. Any changes made are noted in the database and can be examined through audit log reporting.
Data Spec Sheet